Module curriculum
Introduction to Yellowdig and Principles for Good Community Building (20 Minutes)
Welcome video from the Yellowdig Founder and C.E.O.
Quick tour of the platform
Principles of Yellowdig Overview
Principle #1: Retain what works in the classroom
Principle #2: Abandon the "post once, comment twice" mindset
Principle #3: Be the example for your community
Principle #4: Integrate Yellowdig with your course
Principle #5: Trust the process
The Principles in Action - A Dissection of a Learner Led Post
Helpful Resources
Test your Yellowdig knowledge
LMS & Community Set Up (30 Minutes)
How to design your LMS course with Yellowdig
Setting up your Yellowdig community
Point system basics and purpose
Recommended point set up
Helping learners understand the point earning system
Understanding grade passback
Setting up and using topics
Resources for setting up a Yellowdig community
Test your LMS & community set up knowledge
Community Management (10 Minutes)
Strategies for instructor interaction in Yellowdig
Introduction to using Yellowdig Data and reports
Test your community management knowledge
Get Started - Happy Yellowdigging!
Yellowdig Academy
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Who should take this course?
Every Yellowdig instructor or designer! While Yellowdig is intuitive to use, instructors who learn our system, how to design a course with it, and how to run a good community do save themselves hard work and get better results.
Why do I need to take a module to learn a tool? I'm busy!
We understand! We're not placing hurdles in your path; on the contrary, we're trying to remove them. As college instructors ourselves, we care about creating deeper learning experiences and we know how busy you are. We've seen what works wonderfully and what fails spectacularly. We can all but guarantee that you will love Yellowdig if you follow the proven practices in this course and you'll also probably find you love teaching more too!
How long will this take?
Just about an hour. You can breeze through the course in less time if you play the videos at 2x speed, but to borrow a teacherly adage: you'll get out of this course what you put in. You do not need to complete the course in one sitting; simply pause and resume where you left off.
What is the YDFC?
The Yellowdig Faculty Community. It's an open Community for instructors to chat about teaching-related things. It's open to all instructors, including those who aren't otherwise using Yellowdig. Join here, and invite your colleagues!
Who is teaching this course?
This course was built from humble beginnings, starting in 2018 to now, and includes the most important things you need to know about Yellowdig. It's current care-takers are the Community Success team, which currently includes 4 former college instructors, designers, and technologists with a combined 70 years of teaching experience.
Instructors dig
our certification module.
Whether new to the platform or a seasoned community-builder, 75% of 405 respondents find this module helpful.